Sunday, January 24, 2010

Understanding crowd sourcing is vital for business

Jeff Howe's youtube clip on "crowd sourcing" really gives us a good glimpse of its potential for business use. Like Jeff mentions in his video, online users and communities can now replace employees within a company to fulfill particular needs. For instance, product development is a great example. Consider Fiat and its crowd sourced car as proof. Reaching out to the masses to get idea's on new products like Fiat did will become more prevalent - if hasn't already.

What's important is to continue to encourage online users and communities to engage with companies and let their voice be heard. But therein lies the challenge. Companies should "feed" the crowd and make sure they are taken care of for their ideas. Recently, Google failed to do this with their Chrome browser product where they solicited design ideas but failed to acknowledge the winners of the effort. This could create backlash and deter the crowd from contributing ideas.

What are some other challenges with crowd sourcing that you can think of?

1 comment:

  1. I use Google Chrome almost exclusively as my browser. I was not aware of their failure to recognize the winners, and am grateful you pointed this out. While I will still use Chrome, I will definitely think twice about providing any user feedback or ideas to Google. I see this problem as the most significant challenge to crowd sourcing.
