Friday, February 26, 2010

Virtual worlds not so fast...

Anyone who knows me well will tell you I'm a big fan of social media. However, there's one social media technology that I don't care much for at the moment and that's virtual worlds. This is based off my failed attempt to use Second Life and the degree of difficulty I found trying to navigate the site. Bottom line it just wasn't intuitive and felt too clunky. Because of these failings virtual worlds aren't ready for mass adoption - even though several fortune 500 companies like IBM and GM feel differently.

In order for virtual worlds to take off the usability must improve substantially. For instance moving your avatar should be as easy as typing this sentence. Additionally the application should be easy to install on your lap top and not hog a bunch of memory like I experienced with Second Life. Also, I believe that the emergence of touch based devices such as the i-Pad might make virtual worlds easier to use. Touching a screen and moving an object is much more intuitive than using key strokes. But until some of these issues are ironed out, I'm content using my 2 dimensional Facebook and Twitter accounts to get me through.


  1. I haven't used Second Life yet, so I can't comment on the navigation aspect, but I still find it incredibly fascinating. Peter, you say that moving your avatar is difficult, what if Second Life could partner with Nintendo to provide the software through Wii? You could buy a body suit, and it would replicate all the movement.. Similar to Wii Fit...I would pre-order that 5 years in advance...

  2. I feel you, Peter. I'm all about the user experience and user friendliness. Back in the day we had Sim City. I consider them pioneers of virtual worlds. The only thing is that it took me too long to figure out how to work the game, etc. Because of that, I have not been interested in any more Sims games or other virtual world software. Maybe the lab on Thurs. will changes things.

  3. It is really hard to say how second life or virtual world will evolve in the future. But like Peter said, I believe unless the tool is friendly-use or intuitive, otherwise I doubt the popularity of this new technology will be.
